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An informational site on the transportation policy and design approach of Complete Streets

Complete streets

What is it?

Complete streets is a transportation policy and design strategy that demands streets to be planned, constructed, managed, and maintained in such a way that people of all ages and abilities, regardless of their method of transport, may move safely, conveniently, and comfortably. Complete streets allow people walking, cycling, driving cars, taking public transportation, and transporting goods to travel safely.

Who uses it?

In the United States and Canada, the concept is often used by transportation advocates, city planners, traffic and transportation engineers, public health professionals, and community members. Complete streets are marketed as having better outcomes in terms of safety, health, economics, and the environment. Complete Streets stress the necessity of safe pedestrian and vehicular access.

Transportation For Every

Focusing on:

Transit-oriented development
Shared space
What are the benefits?

Complete Streets advocates claim that they enhance safety, decrease transportation costs, provide mobility options, encourage health through walking and bicycling, boost local economies, create a sense of place, improve social interaction, and increase the value of nearby properties.

Opponents may believe that building infrastructure for cars exclusively is a better use of public monies, or that encouraging people to utilize alternative modes of transportation is coercive. Local opposition to individual projects and regulations has occasionally arisen, usually due to concerns about traffic flow and car access.

Resources & Sponsors